CAPDM (logo)

Build online learning at scale

Courseworker® by CAPDM helps you build and manage clean, structured, effective online learning, rapidly and in high volumes.

Let us help you build online learning at scale

0131 677 2400

We’ve built a course which demonstrates how Courseworker can help you build online learning at scale, including:

Try out the CAPDM demonstration course 2023 for yourself here:

University of London (logo)

“CAPDM has a rich experience and long track record in supporting the delivery of highly scalable programmes in flexible, online and distance learning modes of study.”

University of the West of Scotland (logo)

“CAPDM is a trusted partner of UWS, delivering leading-edge online learning solutions in a variety of subject areas. They also provide extensive staff development.”

Let us help you build online learning at scale

0131 677 2400